With news last month of Taron Egerton confirming a meeting with Marvel Studios, many speculate that the role they have discussed is the Wolverine. Of course, the Welsh actor became a fan-favorite casting as the clawed X-Men, once played by Hugh Jackman. With the Wolverine possibly entering the MCU sometime soon, many fans have been recounting his best moments and most iconic lines in his previous movies.

  • The Internet is ablaze with reactions to the recent announcement that Hugh Jackman will be returning as Wolverine alongside Ryan Reynolds’s Wade Wilson in Deadpool 3, which is set to release in 2024. As fans get excited to see the fan-favorite mutant on the big screen one last time, many have expressed their joy in a series of hilarious new memes.

Though fans are holding up for Jackman to reprise his role one more time by debuting in the MCU, Wolverine still had several movies to shine and develop as a character when he was part of the X-Men. His no-nonsense personality has landed him in tricky situations before, which results in some hilarious reactions and memes from fans.

Wolverine And Magneto

While the X-Men movies vary in both cast of characters and plot, there’s usually one recurring theme running through them all. That theme tends to be the conflict between Wolverine and Magneto, specifically, Wolverine always finding a way to fight Magneto.

Wolverine has a complicated history with Magneto, and there’s even a scene in the later movies where Magneto, as Erik, tries to recruit Wolverine with Charles Xavier, and Logan tells them where to go. It seems that Wolverine’s entire character is based on his multiple fights with Magneto, and no matter how hard he tries to avoid it, he always ends up in a fight with him some way or another.

Wolverine And Jean (And Scott)

One of the long-running jokes and relationships throughout the X-Men movie franchise is Logan’s love for Jean. The complicating matter is that Jean and Scott are married, yet Logan continues to pursue Jean. But the marriage hasn’t always been easy for Jean and Scott.

Nevertheless, Scott has noticed that Logan seems particularly interested in his wife, leading to obvious friction. In Logan’s mind, he views Jean as his, or rather as the meme suggests, ‘our’ girlfriend. If there’s one consistent thing in the X-Men movies, it’s going to be Jean and Logan’s near romance.

Logan And Laura

It was revealed in Logan that Wolverine has a biological daughter, X-23, better known as Laura Howlett. The fan favorite movie Logan follows them in the future as they try to make their way to the mutant haven known as Eden. In the end, Logan dies in an attempt to fight off the enemy, a scene that long-time fans were dreading.

With the confirmation of the multiverse existing in the MCU, some fans are left wondering if there’s a universe out there where Logan is still alive and missing his daughter. The two ended up growing close through their fight to survive, with Laura viewing Logan as her father. If there is a multiverse out there where Logan is alive, fans can only assume that he’s missing Laura like she’s missing him.

Canadian Wolverine

Wolverine is one of the more assertive and aggressive characters in the X-Men franchise. He doesn’t take any attitude from anyone and there are several scenes of him telling people to leave him alone or starting fights.

Technically, Wolverine is from Canada and was born in Alberta. Fans have noticed the funny contrast of this, given that Canadians are often perceived to be polite and over-apologetic, and Wolverine couldn’t be further from this type of personality.

Wolverine Would Survive Thanos

After Thanos’ snap in Avengers: Infinity War, fans were left to theories regarding if their favorite X-Men would have survived the snap. Some believe these powerful X-Men characters would have lived on thanks to their unique power, and others thanks to their luck. Although there’s no way to know, some fans believe Wolverine would have survived.

Given his regeneration ability, some viewers believe that he would have endured the snap and found a way to kill him quicker than the Avengers. As the meme suggests, Thanos would be left confused and continually snapping his fingers, all while Wolverine would keep regenerating and surviving.

Logan Versus X-24 Versus Bullet

In the final fight scene in Logan, fans see Wolverine desperately trying to fight off X-24, a perfect clone of himself. Despite all of X-24’s best attempts, it seems that Logan is winning the fight until X-24 impales Logan with a tree stump.

Despite Logan’s best efforts, he’s unable to kill X-24. In his entire career as an X-Men in the movies, he’s never met someone he couldn’t defeat before, which is what makes the entire fight much more difficult to watch. In the end, it’s not Logan who kills X-24, but it’s Laura with an adamantium bullet that Logan had kept with him for years. Fans have found humor in the tragedy, making light of the fact that Wolverine couldn’t kill X-24 while a simple bullet did.

Jean Protecting Wolverine

Wolverine is probably the last person on earth who needs protecting by someone else since he’s proven time and time again that he’s capable of taking care of himself. However, there’s one person who always defends him, no matter what, Jean Grey.

Even against her own boyfriend, Jean always has Wolverine’s back and is always willing to do whatever she needs to help him. It conjures a pretty funny image to fans, given that Wolverine is superhuman, yet he still relies on Jean for help when he needs it.

Wolverine Button

Fans have noticed the hilarious difference between Wolverine’s timeline appearance. Technically, according to canon, the image on the left is Wolverine in the ’70s, and the image on the right is him in the early 2000s. However, they filmed these two scenes for two different movies, almost a decade apart, hence the reason he looks younger in the shot that’s supposed to be later.

Regardless of shooting schedules and differences in time in filming, viewers have noted that when watching the X-Men movies in canon order, it looks like Wolverine is aging backward, hence the name Wolverine Button, much like Benjamin Button who ages backward. It’s a pretty funny thing to notice and definitely makes the filming difference more obvious when watching these movies in canon order versus release order.

The Last Last Time

With the breaking news that Hugh Jackman will be one of the first mutants in the MCU when he reprises his role as Wolverine in Deadpool 3, many fans have taken a slight reprieve from their excitement to wonder if the actor will ever fully retire from the role. As one Redditor points out, Jackman seems to continually retire from the role before returning years later.

Though Jackman hasn’t said as much, it is implied that his appearance in Deadpool 3 is meant to act as his final performance in the role, despite the same having been said for his appearance in Logan. However, with the multiversal event Avengers: Secret Wars rapidly approaching, fans are left to wonder if Deadpool 3 won’t be the last time they see Jackman take up the claws.

Money Solves Every Problem

Some fans have a somewhat more pessimistic idea about Hugh Jackman’s return as Wolverine in Deadpool 3. One Redditor makes the case that money is likely the driving force behind Jackman’s reprisal, reimagining a classic scene from Breaking Bad to illustrate their point.

While it is highly likely that Marvel Studios offered Jackman a lofty sum of money to return as Wolverine one last time, the reasoning behind his inclusion in Deadpool 3 doesn’t matter to many fans, who are simply thrilled to have the beloved mutant back on the big screen. It doesn’t hurt to imagine that Jackman’s appearance in the film will likely boost the franchise’s already generous box office numbers too.

Just A Little Late

As exciting as the mutants’ arrival to the MCU is, some fans have been quite vocal in their frustration regarding how long the process is taking. One Redditor has some fun with the concept, reminding other fans that Wolverine and the X-Men are coming, but that Feige’s delayed deal with Fox will hold up the process for some time.

Despite his popularity as a character, Wolverine has never been able to live up to his full cinematic potential as a result of Fox’s acquisition of the character and the X-Men. However, now that Disney has acquired Fox, fans are ecstatic to see Wolverine interact with the other MCU characters in the next Endgame-level crossover event. With time waning until this day arrives, fans couldn’t be more excited to see Wolverine’s debut in the MCU.